It's not a secret that I love young adult books. Even though I'm slowly but surely starting to be MAJORLY out of the target audience, my love for these books just becomes stronger.
Here are 7 reasons why I prefer YA over Adult books.
7. They make me forget how old I am
I don't know about you guys, but I'd do anything to go back to being 15. I wish I had appreciated it more back then
6. I can relate to them more
I don't feel like a grown up, even though I'm in my twenties, I just don't feel like I'm there read. Reading about high school still seems closer to what I'm doing with my life than reading about taxes and secure jobs
I'm not trying to say either target group has better books available, not at all! But it's just a fact that it's a LOT harder to find diverse voices and characters of ethnic backgrounds other than white in adult lit, especially Literary Fiction. I feel more represented in the genre.
4. Opportunity to learn from other cultures
Sure, I can just pick up a book set in a different country from the adult section, it's not like there's a shortage of those. But there's no equivalent to a good fluffy YA contemporary with a an ethnically diverse main character. Learning about other people's cultures has never been easier and more effortless.
3. YA isn't constantly trying to prove something
Seriously, sometimes when I read adult books it feels like authors are one-up'ing each other (or at least trying to) all the time. Who's more inventive, who's weirder, who's deeper, WHO HAS WRITTEN THE NEXT CLASSIC. Maybe this is just a thing I think personally, but I feel like most YA doesn't even have that. Nobody's trying to prove anything. Of course there are exceptions to everything.
2. Teenagers accomplishing things!!!
There is something insanely comforting about reading about people younger than me going on crazy adventures and visiting paranormal worlds. I wish I had discovered YA books when I had been younger.
1. Who likes adulting?
I mean, let's be real here: being an adult sucks. For me, YA is more of an escape specifically because it makes me completely forget all the stress that comes with being an adult.
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